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  • Writer's pictureAyse Sukola

Happy New Year

2019, the HAPPY YEAR

Hi Friends,

I thought I would share with everyone what Hubby and I do to kick off a New Year right!!

Every Year should be the HAPPY YEAR! I don’t ever let a year go by that I would refer to as an unhappy year, that’s a WHOLE year, the WHOLE year shouldn’t be unhappy – I recognize I play a major role in whether or not a day, a week, a month or a year is happy or not.

The Holidays for me are all about family, friends and Traditions. I love creating new traditions with my husband each year, opportunities to spend time growing and connecting on a deeper level with each other. He is my LOVE and all I wish for him in this life is abundant health and happiness.

So a new TRADITION for us the last couple of years has been attending this New Years Eve – New Years Day Ceremony at the Unity Church where we were married. I always see us at the altar whenever we are sitting in a service – ☺ Like if we were to go back in time – our families were sitting in these exact seats watching us take our vows.

This Ceremony is SO special, New Years Eve is the Burning Bowl, it’s where everyone writes on a piece of paper anything – everything that doesn’t serve you anymore. Anything you have been holding onto for a short or long time, you write it down, take it to the bowl and BURN IT! A wonderful release of any negative energy you may have been holding onto – even if its guilt – let it go – start 2019 a New, the Happy Year! So then on New Year’s Day – we go back for the White Stone Ceremony. Ahhh – this is transforming – for the White Stone Ceremony, you write on your stone your word for the year – the whole year – the biggest – brightest – best word you can think of that speaks to your soul as how you would like to be, live into, thrive and vibe in 2019 – once you pick that word – write it on your stone – Ahhh – its WRITTEN in stone – then you go out into 2019 and you LIVE that word – you speak it every day – you bring that word to fruition as you wake every day – go to bed every evening – stay connected to that word – own it! (If you can’t go to the Ceremony or there isn’t one near you, you can easily do this at home)

So for me, my word was Magic and Light as in I am Light – pure Light, and Magic – everything I touch turns to gold – Magic - like sparks coming out of my finger tips type of Magic!! This year, I have a few words in mind but it’s a tough one to beat Magic – have to think about that – what’s Bigger than being Light and Magic yall!

New Year’s Resolution, Ahhh, Follow Your Wildest Dreams … Indeed!!



GirlSTRONG Nation

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