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  • Kim Wagner GSN Ambassador


GirlStrong Goddess, Seattle Seahawk “Sea Gal” Cheerleader Alumni

GirlStrong Ambassador Kim Wagner

Hi, I'm Kim, local real estate market expert, GSN Ambassador, and Girl Boss! I'm passionate about helping people achieve their dreams! In real estate, I work with clients to understand their personal needs and get to play matchmaker. I strive to align your home with your lifestyle. In my spare time (LOL), I also coach nutrition. I believe a healthy body creates a healthy mind, which in turn creates a healthy life! I also believe HEALTHY STARTS AT HOME. There are many things I do at home to start my day off right and create a healthy atmosphere. These things increase my productivity and reduce stress. I wanted to share so that everyone can benefit. You could do some, or all, but reducing stress is a great way to improve health! Thanks for reading!

REMOVE YOUR SHOES! Having a place to drop your shoes and personal belongings upon entering your home can go a long way in reducing the amount of dirt and grime that enter your home. I worked with a flooring company for a short time and did you know on the bottom of your shoes, you not only have dirt, you will also bring in things like glass and feces. Yep, that's right, POO! EEEW. Our shoes are as dirty as a toilet. No lie. And if you have carpet, that dirt, glass and poo will bury itself in your carpet and create a breeding ground for bacteria to grow. So, in my house, everyone removes shoes before entering. The added bonus is that you can sweep, mop and vacuum less which saves time. A win-win!

I love potted plants! Not only do they make your home feel more home-y, but plants act as natural humidifiers. They CLEAN your air! Plants like aloe are known to reduce toxins in the air, too. Fun fact about aloe: they have babies. I planted one plant with my son now we have 6+ around the house. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!

Every member of my family has created what we call a "stress-free zone" somewhere in our home. This is a place you can go meditate, read a good book, or just be alone to decompress. Healthy mind, healthy heart, healthy body, healthy soul.

Every morning, over coffee, I empty the dishwasher. Each evening, my son takes out the trash while my daughter tidies the living room. Doing these small tasks create a productive environment because even small messes can distract us and take us away from things we really want to do!



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