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  • Writer's pictureAyse Sukola

GirlSTRONG Nation & OCI Virtual Fundraising

GirlSTRONG Nation hosts an annual 5K in May benefiting the Ovarian Cancer Institute. Since we cannot put on a 5K this year due to Covid-19 , we are promoting the OCI (Ovarian Cancer) Avatar Tee's to support the cause! 100% of the net proceeds will benefit OCI for the month of May. Take 20% off at checkout with code GIRLSTRONG20 and lets ALL give back to a great cause!



Strong Heart, Strong Mind, Strong Body

By Kathryn Harper - Executive Director  - The Ovarian Cancer Institute 

WHO KNEW that this year would turn out this way? The whole world seems to be shut down right now. People afraid to be around each other and touch each other. I mean, I’m a huger and it’s been really tough not to hug people when I see them. When I deliver my mother’s weekly groceries to her it’s at a safe distance. My own mother I can’t hug because of this darn pandemic! My sweet fiance played golf with his best friend (separate carts, of course) … his best friend made his first hole in one and they couldn’t even celebrate with a simple high-five. (Insert golf clap) It’s weird and, as a Southern girl, it feels kinda rude. Even my own wedding day has been rescheduled because it’s not safe to have everyone together. Womp!

All of these life changes have been big and though there has been a lot of bad coming out of this pandemic, it is vital to stay focused on the good. There is a light at the end of this tunnel! I’m no motivational coach, but I do know a good to start. Look at the tagline for Girlstrong. Strong Heart. Strong Mind. Strong Body. These are basic needs that make us all happy.

Strong Heart: It’s been amazing to see businesses shifting their product production to fulfill needs of our medical and general community. Look at Scofflaw Brewing Company in Atlanta: They stopped producing beer to make hand sanitizer. A local dressmaker has been making face masks and donating them to hospitals. I’ve seen communities donate food to children who are used to receiving free lunch while school is no longer in session. And the birthday parades… UGH how cute is that! There are so many examples of heart-warming acts of kindness out there. Serving others is just good for the sole and there seem to be so many opportunities to serve communities and build a stronger heart in ourselves. Find where your talents could be best used or what you’re most passionate about and serve!

Strong Mind: Read a book! Listen to that podcast you’ve been putting off! Finish a puzzle! It’s so easy to Netflix for hours on end… Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving my newfound Schitt’s Creek and Tiger King, but it has to be counteracted with activity that makes your mind work.

Strong Body: Get outside! Social distancing does not mean you have to be a shut-in. It just means you have to maintain a distance from others outside of your household. Running is not a contact sport… go for a run or walk! On rainy days get creative on working out in your home. I recently started following @coach.sinclair, the Director of strength and conditioning for UGA football (GO DAWGS!), for great ideas on workouts that can be done at home. Find what works for you and do it! Goodness knows we’ve got the time.

I’m like most women, put the needs of others before my own. I’ve been doing it for years and the last couple months before quarantine were intense. This newfound time on my hands has allowed me to put myself ahead of everything again and I’ve done it by focusing on these three things. I hope you all can do the same and regain what’s really important to you. Stay safe out there!

By Kathryn Harper

Executive Director  - The Ovarian Cancer Institute 

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